I've recently gotten into decorative baking.
I really don't know much about baking. I thought it'd be a fun hobby to pick up.
This is my first attempt. To celebrate summer, it is Flip Flop Vanilla Cupcake time!
(Ironically, it is freezing here in PA, so why did I leave San Francisco?)
Actually, I am not a fan of eating fondant.
Not bad, for a first timer?
Sadly, these cupcakes are super sweet and I can't seem to find any takers.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
First Time
Posted by
that girl
6:56 PM
Labels: baking, first time recipe
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Great Debate
0 commentsI am not so good at debating. I admit this. I am a pacifist.
However, today was my last final and it was in the History of the Universe class. Yeah, joy, right?
There was a structured debate and test today. Now most of the kids in this class are boys because, let's face it, most art school girls do not like math and science. Therefore it will come as no surprise to you that I had my ass served to me today.
However, aside from the male posturing (by God I hate it when a large group of males have to prove a point in front of each other... it's like watching gorillas beat their chests) some laughs were had as it was not such a serious debate.
To begin, there were three chairs. One person from each team would sit in a chair. The teams were:
A. In 10,000 years humanity is gone because we will have exhausted the Earth and died off.
B. (My team) In 10,000 years humans will have left Earth and started colonizing other planets.
C. In 10,000 years humans are farming what's left of the land and most species of animals and plants go extinct aside from the ones we consume.
There's about 30 people in this class, so it was a bit of a chaotic ruckus. Anyways, highlights from the debate were:
Team A is saying something is refute Team B. This is all said in rapid fire succession:
A: Well, none of this is going to matter if Yellowstone happened to explode!
B: You're right.
A: Yes. Thank you...... *stunned silence*
(Class erupts in laughter)
Team C is justifying artificial selection:
C: So we're not just gonna take off and go to other planets. We like our animals. Just not all of them.
B: Like what?
C: Cheetahs. And elephants. They're useless anyways.
At one point a German student is sitting in the Team A chair. The members from B and C are going at it. He cannot get a word in edgewise.
Me: C'mon, get in there! You're German, invading is what you do! Blitzkrieg, blitzkrieg!
A: Gah!
Finally, some idiot on our team is talking about building a floating biosphere.
B: We have the technology. We can build something to orbit us, something the size of half of our planet.
C: Half the size of our planet? What are we building, the Death Star?
Posted by
that girl
4:20 PM
Labels: debate, funny quotes
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thai Dinner Night
0 commentsI enjoy cooking for friends. On Saturday, May 17th I prepared 10 dishes. Here's how Thai Night turned out!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Friends I Want to Remember
3 commentsSo I went through the whine-fest that was my former journal circa 2004-2006.
Wow. We're coming up on four years of living in San Francisco. Oh Young T. there was so much I wanted to tell you. So much. How were you to know of what was ahead? Tears and fears, baby!
Well, I am so glad to see I've connected with so many people after those beginning years. I am not a total wash out of a human being after all.
I do need more stories to write though. If only I could fit a story with all the main players here.
So I dedicate this to all those dear people that have been with me for years now. *NOTE: I use pseudonyms because the intarwebs is a scurry place.
Ja-Ha (It's like cutting a baby!)
Japeksha (Sit down before you fall down)
Saunders (She can's draw fingaaaaaahs!)
Posted by
that girl
3:44 PM
Labels: looking back
Get Me A Romantic Poem
0 commentsIt's springtime and a new love has bloomed.
How unexpected and delightful.