I am leaving for Thailand at the beginning of next month, and if I didn't have so many things to do by Monday I would be showing a lot more enthusiam about.
But I do have time to share some photos my father took while he was there in the 70's. There were a ton, but these are my favorites. It's a shame his 35mm doesn't work anymore.
There's my dad.
His Royal Highness the King and the Queen of Thailand.
The scanner really ate the pictures, but what can ya do?
My mom's in this picture. I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT HOW THEY MET.
I'm excited! I hope I don't fall into my lazy ways there and miss out on everything.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Vintage Thailand
0 commentsSaturday, February 14, 2009
Love Sucks
0 commentsFor the first time in 3 years I'm flying solo on the day that most single's dread: Valentine's Day. Surprisingly, I embrace this holiday, partner or not. Sure, there are arguments from both sides on how this is just commercialism at it's worst; that the idea of setting aside one day a year to show your love is absurd.
But I love it. There are many people I can show my love to; family, friends, and pets. I think it's a fantastic holiday because honestly, without today many people just wouldn't spring for flowers and sweets without a reason. Of course I would prefer a relationship where affection was showed sporatically and without reason. But c'mon... we're talking about guys here. I've witnessed the breed and can draw my own conclusions by now.
And what is sad is that the best Valentine's Day I've ever had I spent single and alone. My parents drove up to State College to visit my sister while I stayed home. I was still in high school. There was a "Love Sucks" marathon on AMC, and they played vampire movies all day. So me any my cat just curled up on the couch and watched vampire movies all day. It was the best.
So much so that every following year I watch avampire movie on Valentine's Day. Let's continue the tradition!
So Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Let's hope your love sucks.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Why Did You Bother?
0 commentsIn Ontario there is a store called The Tofu Store. They sell a whole bunch of delicious tofu treats from Vietnam.
Overheard in line:
Daughter: What are you going to get?
Old Mother: Tofu.