So I'm switching over to my new blog.
I'm going to focus on becoming a better artist, thus more art blogging.
Thanks Gypsy. You've really seen me through the best and worst of times.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
End Of It
Posted by
that girl
11:07 AM
Labels: final post
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
0 commentsSo I'm on a sewing roll, and I've got a sweet set-up in front of the telly. And there's a fascinating programme on the History Channel about Peruvian cultures. It's all about the history of the burial tombs and the archaeologists' hunt for an undisturbed Peruvian tomb. Unfortunately most tombs have been ransacked by looters over the years, and an undisturbed tomb is rare.
The show follows two archaeologists, one rather old and one around my age, as they search for a complete tomb. They think they've spotted one in the cliffs, and they send the archaeologist up by rope climbing.
It has been ransacked, much to our disappointment. Nothing remains. The archaeologist calls down to the other:
"There's nothing here... except a note from your mom."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Workin' At The Car Wash
0 commentsIf something brings you down the only surefire way to get out of that funk is to get in your car, and drive through the car wash.
Ah, I still get all excited like I used to as a kid.
And that is why car washes will always make your day!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
0 commentsThe Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade... my annual Thanksgiving tradition.
Posted by
that girl
5:06 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Of Superficial Matters
1 commentsYou know the saying 'Feed a Fever, Starve a Cold?' Well, inadvertently I ended up starving the cold and now I actually need to gain some weight. Which is very rare for a female in this society to actually want to do, I know, but being 5'5" and under a three digit weight is really kind of unhealthy. American advertising and fashion models have not completely brainwashed me, which should be celebrated!
I don't talk to people about it, but I find talking about any aspect of my appearance unsettling. I know (as I've been told) that I am by no means overweight or ugly. And I think that in order to have a healthy self esteem people should be told about their good qualities. But I always get uncomfortable when people point out things like my weight or appearance (in good ways).
This is what runs through my mind:
I think about my weight far more often than I'd like. So maybe fashion models HAVE brainwashed me, slightly. Dammit, they've won! But I think about it because I have seen what happens to my family members when they stop taking care of themselves. And it's not pretty. It's just pretty... big.
And also, I modeled for a bit while I was in high school. And that's something that I regret. Because it's hard enough being a teenager. But modeling is not cut out for the weak. And I was told to lose some weight to get more jobs and did I ever take that to heart. I was by no means fat! In fact, it makes me angry that companies tell things like that to little girls! And what kills me is that even now, when I step on the scales, I always check to see if I am under a certain number.
What it really boils down to is this: outer beauty only lasts while we're young. I don't want to keep fighting this battle and eventually warring with food by the time I'm 41. I don't want to miss being told that I'm pretty and end up some silicon, Botoxed vain creature. I want to age naturally. If things start to sag, well BFD!
I'm scared that no one sees that I'm a good, kind person inside, and that's what true beauty is. That's important when you date people... this actually has been a huge issue in my past, I feel like. There's a girl inside. Get to know her, and not just carnally!
I'm scared that I'm not really beautiful inside and I'm just dull and boring, so when I get older I'll just be a non-attractive boring old... crone.
GAH! Insecurity! However, it helps to vent.
So! I have earned a large juicy hamburger with some chili cheese fries.
Posted by
that girl
4:06 PM
Labels: emotions, self image
Sunday, November 8, 2009
1 commentsNobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy, and not give everyone a DAMN.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This Is Halloween
0 commentsI've been working at a new job the past few weeks, at a costume store.
The highlight of working there is that I get to dress up for Halloween. I think that's why I get along with my co-workers so well; we all get decked out on the weekends.
There's one co-worker in particular that I find hilarious. He's always got me in stitches. So Saturday we were gearing up for a busy day, when I decided it would be more exciting if we had a challenge/contest. Now when you work at a costume store you quickly pick up what sells and what does not. I have sold many naughty nurses and police officers, for example. Others people won't even touch.
I wagered my co-worker, (I'll call him Munster) that I could sell the giant chicken costume and if I did, that I would be ale to pick any costume in the store for him to wear. Then we added that if he could sell a Judy Jetson costume that he could pick any costume for me to wear. (Really, when's the last time anyone's watched the Jetsons? For me it was 15 years ago.)
Little did I know that we had a Slave Leia outfit in stock.
At first I was oblivious to any diabolical plan. I was just trying my damnedest to sell that expensive chicken. But when I come back from break I find all the Judy Jetson's pulled off the high shelf and plastered with these notes: