Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Overheard on the Bus


Little Boy: That sign says 'STOP!'
Father: That's right, good job!
Little Boy: So why didn't the bus stop?
Father: Well, that sign is for pedestrians. The bus has to stop for traffic lights.
Little Boy: We learned about traffic lights in school! They have three lights!
Father: Is that so? What are they?
Little Boy: Green, Yellow and Red.
Father: Wow, that's great!
Little Boy: (pauses for a few minutes, watches people get off around shady Civic Center)

Little Boy: I know something else that has a light.
Father: What?
Little Boy: Roxanne.
Father: ..... Huh?
Little Boy: Roxane has a red light.
Father: (chuckles) Uh, yeah. Roxanne has got a red light.