Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Digital Rabbithole


For a class we have to design a line of clothing, which has been shortened to about thirty garments.

Everyone does womenswear which is rather cliche and boring, so I proposed designing clothes for Sims like Second Life. It was given the green light by my professor.

I didn't really know much about Second Life aside from an article I read, but the more I research it the more it frightens me! It's so huge and involved that I think it's nuts! I still do not have a SL account, but reading up about it more and more frightens me. I remember The Sims being addictive, but this community seems like it's more escapism than having a good time.

Buying genitalia? WHAT.

I'd rather scrap this project rather than falling into the rabbithole and never being able to climb out.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ugh ugh ugh


Fashion show coming up. And I HAVE to do it. But inspiration's failing me because all the things that make me unique I'm finding that other girls are doing!

Circus? Oh some girl trains on silk and wants to do it.

Kooza? Oh some girl saw it and thinks it's way awesome! Where were you then six years ago before Cirque du Soleil became mainstream? Oh, that's right!

Pin-Up? Overdone yes, but would have been fun.

GAH! Think, think, think!

Sunday, January 6, 2008



It's a new year. New day.

Let's not repeat the past. Forge ahead. Shed away what haunts you.

Believe in yourself.

You're worth it.