Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Friends I Want to Remember

So I went through the whine-fest that was my former journal circa 2004-2006.

Wow. We're coming up on four years of living in San Francisco. Oh Young T. there was so much I wanted to tell you. So much. How were you to know of what was ahead? Tears and fears, baby!

Well, I am so glad to see I've connected with so many people after those beginning years. I am not a total wash out of a human being after all.

I do need more stories to write though. If only I could fit a story with all the main players here.
So I dedicate this to all those dear people that have been with me for years now. *NOTE: I use pseudonyms because the intarwebs is a scurry place.

Ja-Ha (It's like cutting a baby!)
Japeksha (Sit down before you fall down)
Saunders (She can's draw fingaaaaaahs!)


Anonymous said...

Once every 6 months or so when I feel nostalgic, I'll go back and read old posts on my blog or on SBA, myself. Life was actually more fun, and a lot more simple 4 years ago. :p

that girl said...


Growing up sucks.

Oo, I should probably check sba more often than every few months.

Anonymous said...

You're not missing much. I check it once every 2 weeks if that. lol

But glad to see that you're doing well. The food you posted in your latest entry looks really good.